Coffee – Now Good for Your Mental Health!

The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and blah blah blah manual, the bible of mental health, now lists trying to quit coffee as a mental health issue. 

Therefore I have determined that drinking coffee is good for my mental health!  Just go with me on this.

Last week we learned that 4 cups a day is optimal to reap the health benefits.  I can’t throw that much back – 2 does it for me.  Every week, it seems, someone I’m acquainted with is trying to quit the morning brew.  Many fail. Some prefer green tea, which I quite like.  But I love a good cup of dark roast.  So now the great mind shrinkers on the continent have added caffeine withdrawal and caffeine intoxication as new entries into the manual.

You have caffeine withdrawal if you suffer at least three of these symptoms within 24-hours of quitting: headache, fatigue or drowsiness, depressed mood or irritability, concentration difficulty, and flu-like symptoms such as nausea or muscle aches.  And you’re not ODing unless you have five of a dozen symptoms that include restlessness, frequent peeing and manic behavior.

Remember, these aren’t illnesses, they’re mental health issues.

I’ll take mine with one milk, please.

4 thoughts on “Coffee – Now Good for Your Mental Health!”

  1. ha! Well done. 🙂

    I have cut back my coffee intake; I used to drink 3 XL (now considered large) Tim Hortons coffees a day. I’m down to 2 of the same size, and I use a french press to cut back on the spending.

    But considering I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs, I’m alright with this one ‘mental health issue’. 😉

  2. REALLY Lisa? Your only vice? Haven’t you forgotten our shared vice of swearing? Now, to use both vices in a sentence: “Gimme my @#*$%&*! coffee!” 😉

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