Best Facebook Status Update of the Week

This was on Facebook this week. It pretty much sums things up about this nutty world and the collection of nutty people who inhabit it.  Apparently I’m not the only one with a Martian exploration obsession who loves a little sarcasm.

“Enough about Mars. Must get back to making Earth hotter, cutting science budgets, and killing each other over religious differences.”  Scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson

1 thought on “Best Facebook Status Update of the Week”

  1. I LOVE NDT. When I mention him, people go, “Who?” And I say, “the astrophysicist! The guy who wears the planet vest! YOU know?” and…well…I suppose it’s unusual to have a FAVOURITE astrophysicist. But you and I, well, we’re astro-physisisters….I guess. He’s a great Twitter follow too!

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