Please, Fence Me In

Yes it’s hot. Yes it’s very humid.  But on holiday Monday we started a project that has turned into what every simple project around the home turns into: a much BIGGER project. 

We thought we were shoring up a piece of fence on the north side of our property but once it got into our hands, it crumbled like dry cake.  So that would never do.  Down came the fence and two overgrown (and one very prickly) bushes that we inherited from the previous owner.  The removals left a big gap and a clear view right into the back yard.

It has to get done and when you’ve got a handy guy in the house, he just does it.  You don’t have to whine or cajole or prod. I came home the other day and the bushes were gone.  On Wednesday the crappy fence came all the way down and yesterday, the new fence began to take shape.

Derek crouched between fence posts holding a level on a plank of wood

I won’t even pretend to say I am helping this process in any way.  I brought water.  I stayed out of the way.  That’s the best way I know how to be of assistance and it seems to work well!

a dozen or so boards are up on the new fence, blocking the view of the side and back of our house


This is how it looks at the end of day one.  He ran out of boards!  It’s going up quickly and when Mama is happy, everybody is happy.