Always a Student

On Friday, I had the good fortune to speak to a classroom full of first year radio and broadcast journalism students at Fanshawe College.

I love talking to students because it gives me an opportunity to look at my life and career objectively (to the extent that’s even possible) and articulate things that have been mostly intuitive and unspoken.   When someone asks how you do what you do, you have to find a way to explain it, especially when you don’t make widgets or anything tangible.  It forces you to figure it out, too.

The students ask great questions.  This is the first time I’ve been before a college class and a student hasn’t asked, “How much money do you make?”   Instead they wanted to know about craft and skill and career paths.  For me, it’s like dancing on the head of a pin and I love not knowing what’s coming next! 

I attempted to explain what I do and the unusual path that took me to where I am today.  They appear to be so much smarter than I was at their age and that’s a good sign for the future of broadcasting.  It’s inspiring for me to be in that environment, with them.  They have so many more opportunities with social media and other outlets but more challenges with fewer actual on-air positions in the industry at large.  The strong and the passionate will make it and it will be fun to watch it happen.  Discussing it all helps to get me jazzed all over again about what I do.  I’m also reminded that I’ve worked my ass off and that I’m also lucky as hell.