A Lonely Rock

I went for a walk in the beautiful weather yesterday and happened past a neighbour’s lawn that has always amused me.

Is it just me, or is this kind of funny? It’s just a rock, too big to easily carry (for me anyway) but not big enough to be special, sitting alone in the lawn. There is no flower bed, there’s no house number on it, it just sits there, lonely, possibly crying softly.

roundish rock in the middle of a big lawn

What a pain in the butt to have to mow around. It looks like it was left there by error! Even if it has meaning, why isn’t it in the flower bed up near the trees instead of in the way? I’ve lived here 3 years and it’s been there the whole time, just lying there, doing nothing but being mocked by me as I pass by.

I think this might be the start of a new type of blog post in the flavour of Glamour Magazine’s Dos and Don’ts, only regarding landscaping and home exteriors and don’ts only. I’ve seen a few that are pretty amusing. If I remember to bring my camera with me at all times, I might be able to amuse you with them, too.

2 thoughts on “A Lonely Rock”

  1. When is a rock not merely a rock? When it is used to hide or disguise something possibly hidden underneath, such as a main water shut off valve.

    1. I don’t know about that. It’s a pretty solid rock. I suppose it’s possible. But why wouldn’t they use a flat rock that was easier to move? Still, it looks ridiculous!

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