Reasons to Love Ricky Gervais

He just makes so much sense!  Direct quotes taken from last night’s hour-long appearance on Piers Morgan’s show on CNN.

“No one has the right not to be offended and just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right.”

“My strategy is to make me laugh and if there’s anybody out there like me, then it’s a bonus.”

“Twitter is like evolution among bacteria and then it spreads like a virus.”

“Unlike religious people I look at all religions equally.”  (Gervais is an athiest)

“If you start trying to be cool and sexy you’ve lost it as a comedian.”  (Andrew Dice Clay came to mind!)

“My parents were happy that I grew up to be a nice person and didn’t hurt anyone.  They weren’t impressed with all this nor should they be.”

2 thoughts on “Reasons to Love Ricky Gervais”

  1. I couldn’t agree more with his comments about “nobody has the right not to be offended” (except that the double negative makes it a tad clunky). He went on to say that “some people are offended by mixed marriage, but that doesn’t make THEM right” and he is dead on! When you think of all the people who’ve called or written us over the year, fretting about how something they THINK we said offended them, Ricky’s perspective soothes me like a fluffy wool blanket – with apologies to those (like you, Lisa) who are blanket-deprived. 🙂 Please, dear pal, don’t be offended!

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