April 2010

High Flying

Reading a collection of dumb things people have done while flying – flooding the bathroom while trying to take a sponge-bath, getting too, um, familiar with themselves under blankets and getting too familiar with others, again in the bathroom – reminded me of what flying used to be like. …

Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad

So it’s Monday and perhaps you hit the keyboard needing to get several things done ASAP.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could truly multi-task and really do a bunch of things at the same time? New research on the brain says fuggetaboutit.  It concludes that we’re wired to juggle two things or make a choice between two things but the brain goes haywire if you throw in a third. …

Fat Food

While some restaurants are going out of their way to promote low fat alternatives to their fare and use healthier oil, others are proudly giving heart pains to an obese continent.

Fuzzy Wuzzy

To shave or not to shave, that is the question and it seems that many male celebrities are answering it by tossing their razors out their Lamborghini windows.  The beard has caught on in a big way and that’s not necessarily a good thing.  …